What is a SCADA system and how is it applied in Industry 4.0? The case of ULMA Forged Solutions

What is SCADA and how does it apply to heat treatment?

SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition.

ULMA Forged Solutions’ heat treatment furnaces are controlled by a system known as SCADA, whose purpose is to remotely supervise and monitor the facilities, integrating the various PLCs, sensors and other equipment and protocols in a single place. This greatly facilitates control, data acquisition, monitoring and ultimately the overall management of all the equipment that comprises the heat treatment facility, in a 4.0 environment.

SIEMENS SCADA System Operation

ULMA’s SCADA system, developed by SIEMENS, uses the proprietary SIMATIC protocol included in its WinCC.

SCADA applied to industry: use at ULMA Forja for Heat Treatment

One of the main characteristics of this system is that it acquires, stores and processes large amounts of data and makes the information it receives fundamental to the management of the heat treatment facilities.

In addition, SCADA systems allow the entire production process to be represented graphically via a simple visual interface. They are also capable of monitoring the various production variables, alarm history, etc., in real time, allowing the operator to control the system from a single PC.

Another important aspect of a SCADA system is that it uses data collected daily to improve quality management, statistical control and production management.

In short, SCADA systems are essential in the automation of Industry 4.0 facilities in the world. Our system’s features and its ability to control all the devices involved makes ULMA’s thermal treatment facilities extremely robust, with control over the entire process. This has a direct impact on the quality of your product.